High Fructose Corn Syrup_A Year of Avoidence

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – comprises any of a group of corn syrups that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert its glucose into fructose and has then been mixed with pure corn syrup (100% glucose) to produce a desired sweetness. In the United States, HFCS is typically used as a sugar substitute and is ubiquitous in processed foods and beverages.

The most widely used varieties of high-fructose corn syrup are: HFCS 55 (mostly used in soft drinks), approximately 55% fructose and 45% glucose; and HFCS 42 (used in many foods and baked goods), approximately 42% fructose and 58% glucose. HFCS-90, approximately 90% fructose and 10% glucose, is used in small quantities for specialty applications, but primarily is used to blend with HFCS 42 to make HFCS 55.

Per relative sweetness, HFCS 55 is comparable to table sugar (sucrose), a disaccharide of fructose and glucose. That makes it useful to food manufacturers as a substitute for sucrose in soft drinks and processed foods. HFCS 90 is sweeter than sucrose; HFCS 42 is less sweet than sucrose.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

In the drink

11:00 am, In our first social setting my new resolution received unanimous approval amongst our peers. I feel I will be tempted to crack, or better yet tricked, by the likes of Mark Hofschnieder. He successfully lured me into breaking my previous years resolution by cutting through the American Village Laundry en-route to home after the Wind Down lounge at the 7444 Gallery. "felt good didn't it?", he asked. Following an evening of avoided desserts (good by all Entenmann's) for fear of HFCS contamination we wound down by the stove with a vodka and [tonic]? ... nope. HFCS sighting. Fail. The mixed drink took a trip down the drain and was re-poured with a low sodium soda water. In the next year this instance, I feel, will occur more often than not as we realize how many items contain the sauce.

Our evening then took a turn into a justification and conversation as to the repercussions and affirmations of this adventure. Hilary suggested even that perhaps it will not be healthy to forgo the HFCS as we navigated through a mental list of all the things that contain it. I suggested that rather only the last 30 years had the substance and we will have to look back. It led us into reading any label at hand (finding a surpassing animal fat or lard in jiffy corn muffins ... a shock to the vegetarian in the room). The first penalty was dealt with a realization that the Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Farm House Fresh Baked Bread was laden with HFCS. Come on in big letter to fool who ... i guess me ... written words like 'fresh', 'farm', 'grain'. I stand the fool. But it is indeed on the list. Today we have added the rolling list of common items presented with HFCS. Our conversations led us into challenges and priorities, what ifs? What if you had to choose between Ketchup and Mayonnaise? Salt and butter? Tough choices. Understanding that these items do not have HFCS, less the ketchup, but the conversation was sparked none the less.

How will we present this challenge to restaurants when we are out? How much of a burden will we cause with our inquiries of HFCS? I believe that this question will spark conversation each place we present the challenge, as it has thus far in our settings.

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